Crisis, Safety & Hotlines

Tile, Inc.

Tracking devices

Child identification products

Yellow Dot Program

Information for first responders


Temporary medical and safety alert tattoos.

Sima S. Enterprises LLC

Mesh Child ID bracelets/Mesh Child and Adult Medical ID Bracelets

Delaware Adult Protective Services Hotline

The Adult Protective Service (APS) Program responds to cases of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable adults. Ages: 18 years and older.

24/7 Crisis ResDelaware Guidance Services for Youth and Children Inc.(DGS) Crisis Hotline

Crisis hotline for Age: 2 years through 17 years old. 24-hours a day and 365 days a year.

Delaware Helpline (211)

DE 211 connects individuals and families to health and human service organizations they need. M-F 8am-9pm

Division of Family Services(DSCYF)

Child abuse/neglect reporting, Child mental heath and substance abuse

Domestic Violence Coordinating Council(DVCC)

Domestic Violence 24/7 Hotline