Adult Services
We work to support adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on their road to success.
Autism is a lifelong disorder and there are ever more adults with autism who are in need of some level of supportive services. Some are capable of competitive employment with limited supports, while others may require daily one-on-one services. Autism Delaware's adult services were created in order to provide adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Delaware the opportunity to work and volunteer at businesses in their communities and engage in health and wellness opportunities
Who is Eligible?
To participate in our adult services, a person with ASD must:
- Be 18 years of age or older and have a medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.
- Have access to transportation and show the skills necessary to safely navigate transportation.
Because we offer community-based services that are not in-house behavioral or nursing services, we must determine if we can adequately support a person's goals safely and effectively before they can be accepted into our program.
How it works
Our adult services are community-based and dedicated to helping adults with ASD find employment, volunteer opportunities. and other quality of life pursuits, and then supporting them in those activities to ensure their success.
The program is a collaborative process that includes the individual served, families, our staff. and all other support staff members, to develop and implement a plan that addresses the individual's support needs and meet individual goals.
Because this program is funded by the Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDDS) and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), as well as Autism Delaware, participants must receive a formal referral packet from either a DDDDS representative or a DVR counselor to begin.
Contact Us
An informational meeting must be scheduled with an Autism Delaware representative to fulfill one of the Division of Developmental Disabilities criteria for agency referrals to be considered for services.
Your DDDS representative must submit a completed referral packet to our agency to be reviewed by our applicant review committee after you have completed your informational meeting with an Autism Delaware representative.
Following completion of admissions requirements, a letter of applicant status will be provided to the applicant by Autism Delaware.
Important Resources
Navigating the autism world can be complex and overwhelming. If you are a parent seeking answers or support…we can help.
Each child is different and each family is different. Autism Delaware’s Family Support Services are individualized to best meet the family’s needs. Our Family Support program provides families with comprehensive, accessible, family centered support. Our dedicated Family Navigators and Family Support Providers support families in assessing needs and designing next steps for children diagnosed with autism. Families will have opportunities to discuss how to put recommendations into action. The Autism Delaware staff will help set families up for success!
Autism Care Team (ACT) Program: Nothing can replace the connection made between a new parent and one who has experience, resources and help to offer, and time to just listen and reassure. Our Family Support Providers (FSPs) are parents of children with autism who work one-on -one with families on an ongoing basis to provide an array of services and supports. Together with families the FSPs will:
- Meet regularly in-person or through video chat
- Develop a plan which includes needed services and supports, such as early intervention, therapies, specialty care, respite care, and others
- Establish goals and make informed decisions about services
- Connect to parent education programs
- Offer follow-up according to need
- Coordinate care among providers and agencies
In addition to the ACT Program, Autism Delaware offers Family Navigation services to families who have a specific question or challenge navigating the system. Family Navigators will answer questions and provide information as needed.
If you are interested in receiving Family Support Services, talk to your provider about a referral or contact Autism Delaware’s Intake Coordinator at 302-224-6020 x219.
Stepping into the world of employment is an exciting time of life, where we grow and develop new skills, earn income and gain independence. Individuals with disabilities will find the transition process easier because of the information compiled by many state and federal agencies and organizations.
This site unites individuals, families and teachers who assist individuals with disabilities. A successful transition process will provide multiple work experiences in the community through volunteering, internships or working for a business or nonprofit organization.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) provides community-based services including family supports, Shared Living, respite, neighborhood homes, supported living, pre-vocational, vocational and supported employment as well as day habilitation services.
In addition, DDDS provides case management, nursing, psychology, therapy and other professional supports to ensure that individuals receive the quality and level of supports needed.
The Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services, also known as DPBHS, provides a statewide range of voluntary mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention services for children and youth.
DPBHS provides voluntary prevention, early intervention, behavioral health and substance abuse counseling and other treatment services to children through age 17. DPBHS provides services to those children who: are without insurance; or are enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP and who require services more intensive than 30 hours of outpatient treatment in the Medicaid basic child health benefit provided through Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).
Guardianship is a legal proceeding in which someone (usually a family member) asks the court to find that a person is unable to manage his or her affairs effectively because of a disability. A guardian steps in the shoes of the person with a disability and makes the decisions for them.
Visit Autism Delaware’s Resource Guide to search for attorneys who can assist with Guardianship
A Power of Attorney or POA is created when a person (called the “principal”) voluntarily authorizes, in writing, another individual (called an “agent”) to take action on the principal’s behalf. POAs may be revoked in writing at any time by the principal, provided the person is able to understand what they are doing at that time (must be witnessed and notarized).
Power of Attorney forms are available online through the State of Delaware.
Supported Decision-Making is an option to assist individuals with disabilities in making decisions, when that person can still make decisions but may need assistance because of a disability. Supported Decision-Making can assist individuals in the areas of personal life, healthcare, and financial.
Medicaid is a government health care program for people with low income and/or disabilities. Many Delawareans affected by ASD or other developmental disabilities rely on Medicaid-funded services, such as adult day services and medical and therapeutic services. These programs are critical to keeping our loves ones safe, helping them make progress, and supporting them to lead full lives.
Delaware children with autism may be eligible for Medicaid, regardless of their parent’s income, if they meet Delaware’s eligibility criteria. The Medicaid program for Delaware children with disabilities is called the Children’s Community Alternative Disability Program, or CCADP. Talk with one of our family support staff to learn more.
Our Community Partners
As an entirely community-based vocational program, we work with community partners to provide sites for volunteer opportunities. internships. and assessments. Businesses across Delaware have hired our participants as members of their own teams — which is the ultimate goal.

Connect With Adult Services
Call us at (302) 224-6020 or visit our Contact Us page.